Dinah Shore Weekend09/21/2022 to 09/25/2022888-923-4624WebsiteThe Dinah, the original Dinah Shore Weekend, aka Club Skirts Dinah Shore, is a five-day event taking place in...View Details
Greater Palm Springs Pride11/01/2022WebsiteThe Palm Springs Gay Pride festival hosts a diverse group of artists including, dancers, singers, musicians, activists, and DJs to...View Details
Halloween 10/29/2023WebsiteSunday, October 29, 2023 Arenas District, Downtown Palm SpringsFREE - Suggested...View Details
International Tamale Festival12/04/2022 to 12/05/2022WebsiteFREE Admision and free parking with Shuttle service to Festival! Indio International Tamale Festival is a 2-day event being held over...View Details